Non-Owner Car Insurance

Who needs it and why?

What is Non-Owner Car Insurance?

Car insurance is typically associated with car owners, but there's a type of insurance for those who don't own a vehicle. Non-owner car insurance provides valuable coverage, such as bodily injury liability and property damage coverage, when you drive a car that isn't yours.

When Should You Consider Non-Owner Car Insurance?

Non-owner car insurance can be beneficial in the following situations:

  1. Borrowing Cars with Minimal Coverage: Non-owner car insurance can protect you in an accident if you often borrow cars with minimal liability coverage. Limits above minimal coverage might be required to cover potential damages or injuries, leaving you financially vulnerable.

  2. Frequent Car Rentals: While rental car companies may offer some insurance coverage, it often doesn't provide comprehensive liability protection. Non-owner car insurance can offer you higher coverage during rentals or when using car-sharing services.

  3. Avoiding Coverage Gaps: Maintaining continuous coverage can be beneficial if you have a car insurance policy but plan to give up your car temporarily. A non-owner car insurance policy ensures you won't have a coverage gap and potentially face higher rates when you reapply for insurance in the future.

  4. SR-22 Requirement: If you've been convicted of major traffic offenses, such as DUI or DWI, some states may require you to have a certain level of liability coverage, even if you don't own a car. Non-owner car insurance can fulfill this requirement.

Where to Find Non-Owner Car Insurance

AIS works with most major auto insurers and can match you with a non-owner car insurance carrier. We will explore insurance options from reputable insurers and compare prices to find the most suitable non-owner car insurance policy for your needs.

If you have any questions regarding additional coverage options, our insurance specialists are available Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM PST and can be reached directly by calling (888) 772-4247.

Additional Auto Insurance Resources

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